Frutarija owns largest ULO storage in West Slavonia region with capacity of 3000 tons of fruits of vegetables. “ULO” = “Ultra Low Oxygen” is the most advanced technology for keeping fruits and vegetables.

Address of the ULO storage is Industrijska Ulica 4, 34551 Lipik in Lipik, Croatia. Technology of the storage is CA ULO (Controlled Atmosphere Ultra Low Oxygen). That is the most advanced technology available today, which allows stopping of ULO atmosphere in all chambers and starting them again in need. That means that all chambers can be open and closed whenever is necessary. This technology keeps fruit fresh longer than 1,5 years.

U hladnjači postoje i dvije komore za brzo hlađenje sezonskog voća.  Komore su sposobne primati razno voće (ne samo jabuku). Voće se u hladnjaču stavlja u drvenim box paletama. Hladnjača je opremljena najmodernijim LED osvjetljenjem “Lumix-R”.

Inside storage, there are 2 fast-cooling chambers used for cooling seasonal fruit. Chambers are capable of storing all sorts of fruit. ULO storage is equipped with the modern LED lamps with high efficiency “Lumix-R”

At the storage site, we do retail of fruits, vegetables, and 100% natural juices as well